- Price: $39.99
- Release Date: Feb 20, 2020
- Number of Players: 1 - 4
- Last on Sale: Aug 29, 2024 [$19.99]
- Lowest Historic Price: $19.99
- ESRB Rating: E10+ [Everyone 10+]
This is one of those collections where you either know and love some of the games in the collection so you’re stoked to pick it up or you’re the type of gamer who likes to explore classics and try to understand what made some games so popular. I’d consider the highlight of the bundle the Double Dragon trilogy included from their NES incarnations. I played them all and have particularly fond memories of playing through Double Dragon 2 in particular. It’s tough to go back, and I was again reminded that something about 3 just doesn’t work for me, but it is surprising how different each of them play while being generally the same. I’d say that sentiment is true for everything in the bundle, almost all of the games being some form of variation of one another, even many of the sports titles, yet from the art to even the tightness of the controls and the general feel of the game for the most part they’re all distinct. I’m sure most people will only focus on a handful of the titles included, depending on tastes, but it is fascinating to play through everything and get a window into games from the era and how they were evolving even then from iteration to iteration.
Justin Nation, Score:Good [7.5]