It’s always interesting to see variations on well-worn genres, whether it’s in term of a game’s tone or even overall feel. As familiar as the classic point-and-click adventure may be there’s been a surprising variety in its implementation across a load of titles on the Switch. Hero-U, as a whole, just feels like its own animal from its well-structured interface to its non-stop punnery if you’re willing to take the time to check everything. That’s also where I think the critical point of the game lies when it comes to enjoyment. If you’re more interested in moving the story along and progressing it’s not well-geared to that and pushing quickly will actually deprive you of some clever humor and commentary. However, if you’re more inclined to savor what your adventure games have to offer and will take the time to check everything you can there’s plenty here to tickle your punny bone.
Justin Nation, Score:Good [7.0]