While certainly having a novel approach of mixing shooting with volleyball, it can’t keep the ball in the air for long
Ever since the old days and seeing the ridiculous Windjammers make a name for itself with its unique over-the-top form of sports I’ve learned never to count odd ideas out. Hyper Gunsport tries to move in that general direction, though opting for a 2-on-2 format, but while its mix of elements is at least unique it fails to remain interesting for long. With one player in the back, and another who can jump up in the front, your goal is to prevent the opposing team from knocking the ball into one of your goals while you try to do the same to them. At first it seemed to at least have a different feel and you could see some potential, but it doesn’t take long before you start really feeling the limitations of what you’re able to do, reducing the experience to feeling a bit bland. Each team having their own super weapon could have had some potential for spice but more often than not those seemed to be less effective than properly managing your ammo in your normal ones. It’s absolutely a different sort of sports experience, it just fails to make much of a case for itself as a worthy competitor to what’s already out there on the eShop.
Justin Nation, Score:Fair [6.2]