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Aircraft Carrier Survival

Developer: Forever Entertainment

  • Price: $19.99
  • Release Date: Dec 29, 2022
  • Number of Players: 1
  • Last on Sale: -
  • Lowest Historic Price: -
  • ESRB Rating: E [Everyone]
  • Even with no competition for the crown in this narrow strategy space, Survival still struggles to stay above water

    Among the subgenres most neglected on the Switch, simulation titles of this sort always feel like their audience tends to skew more towards PC than console. Developers daring to come to console with them do deserve some credit for taking a risk, but even with perfect execution there’d likely be a struggle to attract even a moderately-large audience. Where ACS shows some effort is in trying to be accurate in a broad sense, demonstrating the multiple phases of identifying and confirming targets, the need to properly allocate your resources to the proper tasks needed at the time, and the need for different equipment and strategies depending on your types of targets. Where it doesn’t fare so well is that managing some of these elements is an exercise in tedium when it comes to the controls, with actions that would likely work perfectly well with a mouse but feel cumbersome with a controller. Even with the ability to speed up time there’s also simply a lot of waiting for things to happen here that can wear on you after a bit, especially when most things you do end up being very repetitive. Granted, that’s likely makes it a pretty accurate depiction of the mundane nature of managing a carrier the vast majority of the time, but it doesn’t help the game feel less dull either.

    Justin Nation, Score:
    Fair [6.2]

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