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Ancestors Legacy

Publisher: Destructive Creations

  • Price: $39.99
  • Release Date: Jun 11, 2020
  • Number of Players: 1
  • Last on Sale: -
  • Lowest Historic Price: -
  • ESRB Rating: M [Mature]
  • When it comes to real-time strategy, representation a bit on the iffy side for Switch, so any new entry in the space is always welcome. Ancestors Legacy delivers pretty well too, sporting a degree of visual polish, multiple nordic armies as well as factions within them to work through, and reasonably good controls for a console implementation of the genre. As is usually the case not all mission types are created equally and, depending on your tastes, the pacing and length of some less violent variants may drag on a bit more slowly than I’d have liked, but the variety is still welcome overall. I did find keeping my unit groups straight in terms of their composition tricky when things got hectic at times, which undoubtedly lost me some men, but for the most part you get into the swing of managing the action and letting your units do their thing once you set them up for success. If you’ve been itching for an RTS while I think this genre always tends to do better with a mouse on PC the overall package here is well-implemented on Switch.

    Justin Nation, Score:
    Good [7.2]

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