In the “mixed bag” department you have the community levels, with you being able to go through more popular and curated levels or simply dive in to try to discover hidden gems on your own. Thankfully the game has cross-platform support so you’ll be able to maximize your opportunity to find challenges that will extend the game’s life but keep in mind there are no guarantees and obviously a fair number of junk out there too. If you want to try your hand at setting up something yourself the option is available with a level editor but as a whole while it in functional it also isn’t terribly user-friendly and will likely require a fair amount of experimentation to do anything interesting, though that ties into the nature of the game as well since tuning is so vital to great levels as you’ll discover as you sample ones made by other gamers. It’s possible that scaling on some levels could be an issue in handheld mode, with things getting a bit small, but otherwise it’s good either way. Overall, if you’re looking for a pretty budget-friendly diversion that doesn’t take itself too seriously and has quirky surprises of fun Animal Super Squad isn’t a bad deal. The core levels present a fairly consistent and enjoyable experience, there are some silly unlockables to be found hidden about, and if you want to amp up the difficulty the hidden challenge levels will make you work hard to succeed. While the inclusion of a level editor and community support are always a plus for some people walk in with the understanding that it won’t have you quickly making good stuff, it’s a bit cumbersome and there’s simply a lot to do in order to tune a level for a crazy game like this. All said it’s fun, different, pretty weird, and reasonably affordable.
Justin Nation, Score:Good [7.0]