Astria Ascending is a bit of an odd bird to me. In many regards when you see its art style, it looks something like the old school manual art of classic 16-bit era titles from the likes of Square. Ornate and generally stunning, it feels like a wonderful homage to what RPG fans used to dream their games would look like one day. The trouble is in most other areas though, which either aren’t reaching for, or are at least failing to meet the high standards set by the game’s looks. Turn-based combat looks cool but plays pretty traditionally (see: somewhat dull), character development is elaborate for sure but the interface and the way it is handled I’d consider difficult to approach and odd. The storytelling, though earnest, feels a bit on the traditional side but I wouldn’t say is done any favors by the voice acting trying to sell it. For genre fans there’s plenty here that may excite you, but for people who only decide to pick up a JRPG once in a blue moon there are some more compelling choices out there for you on the eShop.
Justin Nation, Score:Fair [6.4]