Developer: Broken Arms Games

Publisher: MixedBag

  • Price: $9.99
  • Release Date: May 25, 2018
  • Number of Players: 1
  • Last on Sale: -
  • Lowest Historic Price: -
  • ESRB Rating: E [Everyone]
  • In the normal spirit of it being a roguelike the weapon enhancements, for the most part, are a give and take proposition. Increase your range and you’ll typically lose some frequency, split your fire into multiple shots and they’ll get weaker. It is really a balancing act and I found myself trying a variety of configurations out with different base weapons before I found my ideal mix, which typically involved a single powerful laser beam, but there’s a case to be made for some other weapon combinations as well no doubt. Energy that represents your health tends to be a premium as you move on in levels so enhancement opportunities that improve the drop rate or rate it replenishes you are often a key to long-term success. In terms of criticisms the typical issue with roguelikes does rear its head in the sense that you’ll need to invest some time struggling to get to the point where you’re feeling like you’ve got a fighting chance. A somewhat typical indie flaw can also be aggravating early and that’s the fact that pretty well nothing is explained at all so you’ll need to work through some initial trial-and-error experimentation just to be sure what all can damage you, what different enhancements mean, etc. All things considered at the price it is asking I wouldn’t say it’s a tremendous sticking point, just be warned. If you’re a die hard twin-stick shooting fan Atomine is a bit of a breath of fresh air among the offerings already available. Its more arcade-like sensibilities make it a bit more friendly to pick up and play and the runs tend to be on the quicker side, though if you get rolling it can take a bit. More mainstream gamers who’re in search of a shooter to check out may find there are better examples of the genre on the Switch but could find the relative simplicity of it all appealing, especially in handheld more where its more chunky look works well on the smaller screen. If you’re looking for a very cyberpunk-looking twin-stick experience it is worth a look.

    Justin Nation, Score:
    Good [7.0]

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