While Nintendo has traditionally felt like it has cornered the market on cute and family-friendly fare other developers have, on occasion, come along and at least attempted to steal some of that thunder. With its very cutesy art style, clown main character, and a variety of appropriately-themed elements to match Ayo the Clown certainly captures the look of an all-ages platforming affair. The surprise may be that it’s perhaps a little tougher than you may expect, purely based on the aesthetics, but that isn’t to say less experienced gamers wouldn’t be able to work through things with a bit of persistence. Perhaps my biggest complaint may come down to “clown shoes” if I was looking to make an excuse, but there’s just a certain looseness to the precision in movement and the necessary placement when you try to stomp some enemies, resulting in what feels like it should have been a good hit making you take some damage. It may be a little nitpicky but, overall, outside of that and perhaps that some of the overall design feels a bit safer and more traditional instead of innovative and fun it’s minimally a solid platforming title, just not quite able to reach the high bar set by some of its more accomplished competition in the eShop.
Justin Nation, Score:Good [7.0]