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Local multiplayer games on Switch pretty well span every flavor and level of quality, making the task of bringing a new one to the eShop and get recognized a challenge. In the case of Baron: Fur is Gonna Fly first and foremost I’m happy it isn’t yet another straight up platform shooter or brawler/slasher. Instead, it is a side view dogfighting game where you’ll need to dive, loop, and maneuver your way to victory, shooting down your enemies while trying to keep your own aircraft aloft. While the controls aren’t terribly complex I’ll give credit that with the small number of moves you have at your disposal there’s room for nuance and certainly the varied special attacks you can use are generally unique and often humorous. Going the extra mile there are even some single-player modes to explore, helping to add some extra longevity. Weirdly enough my major shout out for the game, though, is for its original soundtrack which has an era appropriate sound but features songs about the game’s characters. It’s sometimes the small things, but the music was consistently funny and demonstrates the care the development team took in going all in on making the game the best it could be.
Justin Nation, Score:Good [7.5]