With its combat forcing you to move between a twin-stick shooting style and slashing, Batora manages to keep itself interesting and varied
This is a game I played a while back tied to a Steam Next Fest that looked like it had promise, and I’m glad to see that on release it has gotten some additional refinement. On the Switch its full visual potential isn’t met, but at least its play is relatively smooth, which is pretty vital to the combat you’ll need to get engaged in. While you’d normally only have one set style of combat in a game, Batora adds some depth and variety by forcing you to regularly move between a melee-focused form and a shooting-focused form. In order to get the most efficiency and effectiveness out of combat you’ll need to be ready and willing to adapt, choosing the appropriate type of attack for each unit you face. The story is nice enough, though perhaps a bit run-of-the-mill, and that leaves the heavy lifting to some puzzles which generally work well, visuals that are certainly colorful and generally smooth, and combat which absolutely has its moments that will test you as you quickly switch between styles when dealing with multiple enemy types at once. It falls short of being truly great perhaps, but there’s plenty of meat here to enjoy if you’re looking for a middle-of-the-road challenge of an action-adventure title.
Justin Nation, Score:Good [7.9]