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When you load up a kart racing game on any system, let alone the Switch, the biggest challenge is to try to enjoy the game on its own merits and not merely compare it to Mario Kart. Even trying to clear your mind and be open to only what has been put in front of you though, while Beach Buggy Racing 2 has some variety in its racing types and power-ups there’s no mistaking the feel of its more mobile-based roots. There just isn’t much nuance or room for advanced technique with the driving, so many of the power-ups are practically instant hit by nature and can’t really be avoided by their target, and in the end this all makes the experience a bit more fast food in its overall feel. That said, the asking price is far cheaper and the lack of nuance also may make it far more approachable to a casual crowd whose expectations aren’t set to the Mario Kart standard.
Justin Nation, Score:Good [7.5]