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Beat Cop

Publisher: 11 bit studios

  • Price: $14.99
  • Release Date: Mar 5, 2019
  • Number of Players: 1
  • Last on Sale: Feb 3, 2025 [$1.99]
  • Lowest Historic Price: $1.99
  • ESRB Rating: M [Mature]
  • All in all while it got off to a bit of a slow start, once I eased into my daily routine I found the game to be pretty fascinating, and certainly not quite like anything I’ve played. Initially going for the clean-nosed, no-nonsense style of policework I’ll admit it didn’t take too long before dabbling in some bribes or looking the other way when the situation seemed to warrant it began trickling in. Even when caught taking a bribe one time the penalty wasn’t terribly severe compared to the potential for benefits so in general I tended towards moderation but the game would seem perfectly comfortable with you going full Bad Lieutenant as well. Ultimately I found myself more wrapped up in the minutia of my daily routine and decisions than the ultimate narrative but if you’re looking for something very different Beat Cop delivers quite nicely.

    Justin Nation, Score:
    Good [7.5]

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