Ahh, retro arcade-style shooting. Love the genre and we’ve been fortunate to have a number of worthy examples on the Switch. The shame with Binarystar Infinity is that though perhaps it wouldn’t have ranked at the very top of the list of titles in the space it could have at least been solidly somewhere in the middle, providing satisfying play with a pretty unique overall look. The problem, though, is the inclusion of extremely distracting screen shake when enemies explode, and this is even more unfortunately something that can’t be minimized or disabled. That feature proves to be enormously distracting when your goal is precision, and when you couple that with the limited color palette when things get intense it makes it very hard to make out what object are enemies, the background, or objects like asteroids you’d be best off avoiding. A major mistake that will hopefully be patched or minimized in some way to make the game more consistently and enjoyably playable.
Justin Nation, Score:Fair [6.8]