Bit Orchard: Animal Valley Logo
Bit Orchard: Animal Valley Icon
Bit Orchard: Animal Valley

Publisher: RedDeerGames

  • Price: $6.99
  • Release Date: Apr 22, 2022
  • Number of Players: 1
  • Last on Sale: -
  • Lowest Historic Price: -
  • ESRB Rating: E [Everyone]
  • This is one of those games that, on paper, actually sounds quaint and ideal for more of a bite-sized farm sim experience. In practice though? Woof, it’s a slow grind with far too much time spent doing far too little. Starting out your orchard with a mere single apple tree and some pluck, your goal will be to slowly (and, unfortunately, I do mean SLOWLY) turn things around and get everything flourishing and back on track. My issue is that in terms of the scope of what you can accomplish and spend your time doing there’s less here than in many mobile games out there. Killing time while you wait for your seeds to flourish is agonizing since you’re working a mere postage stamp of a farm and once you water each spot and periodically cut down some weeds you’re pretty well left to sit there or call it a day and go to bed early just in the interests of trying to reduce the timesink of the pointless grind. This really doesn’t feel like a game that respects the time of its players, and I understand the goal is to stretch out what content you have to ensure a reasonable amount of total playtime but when the result is so much hollow tedium you’re inviting players to simply give up before they see any of it anyway.

    Justin Nation, Score:
    Fair [6.7]

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