When I was growing up “educational games” had two big problems as I see it. First, they were typically aiming pretty low in terms of their audience, looking to teach very basic math skills or other fundamentals that were targeted very young and were easy to master. Second, while they often would use a familiar character or setup to draw you in as a gamer they were pretty well always a complete bore, so saying you were “playing” them was generous at best. BodyQuest, while still not by any means a game you’d likely seek out if you weren’t trying to learn something, tries its damndest to address both of these issues, and really does an admirable job of it. Where its educational content is concerned it very much aims high, with the focus being on the various systems that our bodies are made from, quizzing on bones, muscle groups, major organs, and other anatomical topics. Sure, you may not know the right answers initially, but it will always reveal the correct answer in its multiple choice format and incentivize you to return to get it right the next time by tying progress to your scores. Second, rather than the learning be integrated directly into gameplay it’s concentrated into stops you’ll make along the way, with a relatively simple Flash-esque action game in the middle. Whether or not the quality or nature of the gameplay hit the target for the target audience may be up to date but among games of this type I’ve played over the years I’ll credit this with putting in the most effort on all fronts to deliver on its promise and goals effectively.
Justin Nation, Score:Good [7.2]