Brewmaster: Beer Brewing Simulator Logo
Brewmaster: Beer Brewing Simulator Icon
Brewmaster: Beer Brewing Simulator

Developer: Fireshine Games

Publisher: Auroch Digital

  • Price: $17.99
  • Release Date: Oct 27, 2022
  • Number of Players: 1
  • Last on Sale: -
  • Lowest Historic Price: -
  • ESRB Rating: M [Mature]
  • If you’re fascinated by the world of homemade craft beers, this may serve as a gateway drug of sorts

    When it comes to sim titles I’m always curious to see whether the approach is more management-oriented from afar (think Sim City and the like) or whether it’s more hands-on. In the case of Brewmaster you’ll be undertaking your craft brewing in first-person, literally moving around the kitchen, opening doors, picking up supplies, and walking through the various steps required to get from mere simple ingredients to alcoholic beverage glory. I’m not always a fan of this approach, as navigating the world with a controller isn’t always ideal, but for the most part the controls work reasonably well even if it can make for a very slow and plodding overall pace. Once you’ve learned the general ropes you’ll then have the freedom to experiment with different combinations and methods, even doing things like creating your own custom labels… though you’ll want to keep an eye on opportunities that will arise asking for specific brews in order to test yourself and continue to uncover new elements to work with. What strikes me as most odd with the experience though is that the culmination of your efforts are some mere words on the screen that describe the various notes that come through in your flavor, rather than getting the enjoyment of taking a drink yourself. That said, if you’re interested in craft beers and are looking to get a virtual taste of the experience for whatever reason this may not be a bad match.

    Justin Nation, Score:
    Fair [6.8]

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