Bubble Bobble 4 Friends: The Baron is Back! Logo
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Bubble Bobble 4 Friends: The Baron is Back!

Publisher: ININ Games

Co-Op Multiplayer
  • Price: $39.99
  • Release Date: Mar 31, 2020
  • Number of Players: 1 - 4
  • Last on Sale: Jan 15, 2025 [$13.99]
  • Lowest Historic Price: $13.99
  • ESRB Rating: E [Everyone]
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  • As a massive fan of the original Bubble Bobble both in the arcades and at home on the NES I was thrilled to hear the series was getting a new lease on life. Thrilled to see that there was a means to play the original very conveniently in this new iteration I actually went and played a bit of it first just to get that warm hug of being reacquainted with its simple-but-challenging and ever-charming play. In terms of the new version there’s no doubt that visually it is now more in-line with current standards and looks attractive. Not content with it only being able to be played with a friend you also now can play with up to 4 people, and when matched with the family-friendly nature of the series that should be great for families. My complaint would be that though this new version is fun enough and charming in its own right I still think I’d prefer to play the original comparatively, there’s just something in that special sauce that hasn’t come over in the modern translation. Perhaps for people without the nostalgia for the original this will be more of a hit though, it’s cute, challenging enough, and has enough that it does its own way to differentiate itself while not walking away from the formula the series is known for completely. It does have a free update planned for later in the year as well so hopefully that can add to the fun.

    Justin Nation, Score:
    Good [7.6]

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