If you’re looking to be creeped out and outright shocked, this will deliver, but it comes with a very fair and accurate warning
While many horror-oriented games have come to the Switch promising to deliver shocks and scares, in general few of them deliver much that would qualify as either. If you’re been disappointed in the lack of follow-through in those other titles, Burnhouse Lane may be for you, as more often than not it does “go there”. Just be warned, you may find that’s further than you were anticipating. Playing out mostly as a side-scrolling adventure, you’ll move between rooms and even realities, searching for clues and items, working out puzzles, and trying to keep it together. To be clear on just how things get started, pretty well the first thing you’ll do in the game revolves around an attempted suicide, and things just get more disturbing the further you go. If you’re looking for some shock value and a ride where you can’t possibly anticipate where it will go when you start it, this is a rare title that actually delivers just that. Just be sure it’s a journey you really want to go on.
Justin Nation, Score:Good [7.2]