This is simply an odd title that inspires some feelings of nostalgia for early 3D platforming, which can be a good thing, but that also then feels weirdly out of place as a new game on modern consoles. Adhering more to the old-school collect-a-thon model of level design, with a small variety of items from stars to flowers and more to pick up, I’ll credit the spaces you’re in with being busy and encouraging both exploration and experimentation. That also tends to make you a bit distracted, and it can make what little story there is suffer which can leave your journey, at times, feel a bit aimless. Mechanically the controls would best be described as loose, but in general they’re at least then forgiving, so all things considered it’s not so bad. That said, there are sections or elements you can interact with where they come across half-baked, either poorly implemented, noticeably janky, or simply lacking polish. I could see where this would work well for younger or less experienced gamers, letting them run about and simply enjoy the experience, but if you’re more seasoned it could go either way, inspiring memories of times past you may have enjoyed or would prefer to forget.
Justin Nation, Score:Fair [6.8]