Catgotchi: Virtual Pet Logo
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Catgotchi: Virtual Pet

Developer: RedDeerGames

  • Price: $12.99
  • Release Date: Apr 7, 2023
  • Number of Players: 1
  • Last on Sale: -
  • Lowest Historic Price: -
  • ESRB Rating: E [Everyone]
  • For people who grew up and adored their virtual pets while they were en vogue this may bring joy, just don’t expect much to do

    While at the time they were all the rage I was a bit too old to be into them, there’s no doubt that for people in the right age range Tamagotchi and its knock-offs were a big thing for a hot minute. For the uninitiated they were relatively inexpensive units with an LCD screen that allowed you to take care of a virtual pet. In modern terms almost anything you’d imagine that would entail would be far more ambitious than the experience back then, for the most part you’d really just be checking in on them to be sure they were fed or cared for, but the idea wasn’t that they were something you’d play with anything resembling continuously. Catgotchi follows that same mold, and for the most part honors the original formula pretty well, even throwing in a few different unique (though very simple) games you can enjoy playing with your menagerie of feline companions. The thing is, to get the most out of this, and not just put it away for good in about 10 minutes, you’ll need to be very invested in that original play concept. Pick it up, play with it for a little bit, put it down and do something else for a while. If that has some appeal, it may work for you, but if you’re looking for some meaningful or more involved sustained interactions this will quickly disappoint.

    Justin Nation, Score:
    Fair [6.3]

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