As a lover of games that take their own path that leads in the direction of Weirdville the name of this title alone had my attention. Mixing a theme and story that adheres roughly to Alice in Wonderland with a load of cats, this point-and-click puzzler simply has a look and feel all its own. Though not really a point-and-click adventure, and not really a hidden object game, the overall feel of play borrows quite a bit from those styles. You’ll move from scene to scene and through quite a bit of trial and error simply clicking on different characters or objects you’ll trigger things to happen. From there it’s a matter of figuring out how to make those pieces work together in order to solve the problem at hand. Depending on your tastes this may or may not seem appealing, but when a game swings for a very specific fence that isn’t unusual, and everything in the game seems to meet the intended goals with an undeniably funky sense of flair.
Justin Nation, Score:Good [7.5]