Convoy: A Tactical Roguelike Logo
Convoy: A Tactical Roguelike Icon
Convoy: A Tactical Roguelike

Developer: Convoy Games

Publisher: Triangle Studios

  • Price: $14.99
  • Release Date: Apr 8, 2020
  • Number of Players: 1
  • Last on Sale: -
  • Lowest Historic Price: -
  • ESRB Rating: T [Teen]
  • This is one of those somewhat aggravating titles where you can see some potential, and for the right crowd it can be a positive experience, but there are just enough obstacles to enjoyment that it’s tougher to recommend. The biggest issue I have with the game is that it was obviously designed with a mouse in mind for controlling your vehicles, in particular for keeping them from hitting things or outright getting destroyed in one hit by more substantial things that’ll get into their path. Yes, you’ll get a warning with skull alerts going off but as the action gets more involved I’m sorry but the use of the controller is clearly more cumbersome than using a mouse would be, and since there isn’t touchscreen support (which would have worked well as an alternative) the balancing and overall design of the game’s action hits the woodchipper. Even ignoring that the issue really gets to be depth, as after a few runs most of your experience will start feeling very familiar. Throw in the fact that I didn’t find the explanations of the game’s systems and in-game help on how to use some equipment “convoyed” very well and it just ends up being an uneven experience that may be better played on a PC if you have that as an option.

    Justin Nation, Score:
    Fair [6.7]

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