Crossroads Inn: A Fantasy Tavern Sim Logo
Crossroads Inn: A Fantasy Tavern Sim Icon
Crossroads Inn: A Fantasy Tavern Sim

Developer: Kraken Unleashed

Publisher: Klabater

  • Price: $19.99
  • Release Date: Sep 29, 2022
  • Number of Players: 1
  • Last on Sale: -
  • Lowest Historic Price: -
  • ESRB Rating: M [Mature]
  • Sometimes conversions from the PC to console just go bad, and this is one such case

    In a somewhat unfortunate continuation of what’s begun to feel like a recent trend, we’re here again to talk about a game that has made its way over to the Switch that isn’t at all ready for prime time. The primary culprit? A terribly hodge podged mix of control schemes and interfaces that quite often left me perplexed if not outright frustrated. The concept and story behind where you find yourself is interesting enough, but it all immediately falls apart if you’re unable to enjoy it reasonably. One definite issue is that the people in charge of the console controls can’t seem to make up their mind between going for point-and-click as the method du jour, or some combination of buttons and the D-Pad (ugh)... so they opted to essentially try to support mostly both? The result is a mess, especially since among the controls I couldn’t divine at all were those for controlling the camera as the zoomed-in view I was trying to manage my tavern with was far from ideal. Even if the interface issues were somehow remedied I have concerns with how clunky this game comes across even on a general level compared to its far more polished and refined peers. Perhaps it could be fun if you’re really into the concept of building and managing a tavern, but in general this is a hot mess to be avoided at the moment.

    Justin Nation, Score:
    Bad [4.9]

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