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Adopts some very old-school adventure mechanics to go with its 8-bit look, which may not be for everyone
The retro point-and-click adventure genre has experienced a significant resurgence in recent years, largely driven by indie developers who have enthusiastically embraced the style. While many of these games have adopted a light-hearted and humorous approach similar to LucasArts classics, others have taken different paths. Dead Tomb is one such title, which emphasizes challenging puzzles over humorous dialogue and odd puzzles.One notable aspect of Dead Tomb is its use of an older method for choosing how to interact with objects in the environment. This method presents a chart of standing choices for your actions, which has its advantages but can also be frustrating. Unlike more modern adventure games that streamline options by filtering out irrelevant choices or simplifying interactions, Dead Tomb emphasizes specificity. This can lead to potentially amusing situations, such as tasting a scorpion (not recommended), but the developer doesn't often capitalize on these opportunities to in some way reward players for their daring attempts.As a result, the overall tone of the game is somewhat straightforward and lacking in humor. Most actions result in generic messages indicating that nothing happened, leaving the experience feeling a bit bare bones. More serious mistakes lead to outright death, which happens frequently, but progress loss is at least usually minimal, allowing players to quickly resume the action with a better understanding of what to avoid.While Dead Tomb may appeal to players who enjoy a more traditional and challenging adventure experience, its plodding pace and humorless nature may not be to everyone's taste.
Justin Nation, Score:Good [7.4]