Demolish & Build 2018 Logo
Demolish & Build 2018 Icon
Demolish & Build 2018

Developer: Ultimate Games

Publisher: Ultimate Games

  • Price: $14.99
  • Release Date: Jan 15, 2020
  • Number of Players: 1
  • Last on Sale: -
  • Lowest Historic Price: -
  • ESRB Rating: E [Everyone]
  • Oof. I dislike being outright negative about titles since there can be an audience for just about anything but when the overall package and experience are this janky it’s hard to pull the punches. Poor visuals can be overcome with great gameplay but the title looking like something from the N64/PS1 era with abundant fog, clipping, and pop-in does not get it off to a great start. The fact that your tasks aren’t terribly thrilling, knocking down walls or breaking things up with a sledgehammer loses its appeal quickly, and the in-game direction on what it is wanting you to do is generally poor just locks in the bad taste generally. Sometimes budget titles can be a pleasant surprise but this isn’t one of those times.

    Justin Nation, Score:
    Bad [5.6]

Nindie Spotlight

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