Harkening back to an earlier time, Dex is a side-scrolling cyberpunk RPG adventure that, at a minimum, feels refreshingly different on the system. With attractive art, a generally well-written script, and even reasonably-good voice acting it definitely tends to show the work that has been put in at least. Where the game suffers a bit is in the combat and hacking elements that at first feel novel but turn stale through sheer repetition without much evolution and what I’d consider a rough start where it felt like you are generally left to fend for yourself and fail a bit in order to learn the ropes. I’d consider the experience likely to satisfy someone looking for a cyberpunk-style fix or wanting a reasonably-good RPG with a more active battle system and some tough choices as you contemplate your upgrade paths. However, if your hope was for some engaging combat or real excitement it’s not quite up to that standard, and you’ll likely want to look elsewhere.
Justin Nation, Score:Good [7.0]