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Disco Dodgeball - REMIX

Developer: Zen Studios

Publisher: Zen Studios

  • Price: $14.99
  • Release Date: May 22, 2018
  • Number of Players: 1 - 8
  • Last on Sale: -
  • Lowest Historic Price: -
  • ESRB Rating: E10+ [Everyone 10+]
  • In order to get your bearings before trying to go online I’d recommend starting with either the Arcade Mode or simply playing a Bot Match to get a feel for things. In Arcade mode you’ll face off against a steadily-increasing number of opponents and then a slightly souped-up boss of some sort. You’ll accumulate money you can then use on some upgrades between rounds to tune up your play and in general this is a good starting point for developing technique and getting some unlocks that will help you customize your character a bit. Your multiplayer options are 2-player local (which does work but lacks the excitement the chaos of many players brings) and then Online Multiplayer, the great thing being that by default the 8 players in matches will be filled by bots who, if anything, can be too good. With a pretty wide variety of team-based modes ranging from traditional to silly I found just enjoying the chaos of it all to be refreshing. Capture the flag, straight team deathmatch, variants where specific players are the target, the diversity of modes really helps keep things interesting and fully chaotic and that’s when the game is at its best. Of course there’s no getting around some of the rougher edges, mainly that the controls definitely take getting used to and are on the floaty/imprecise side. Most of this is felt in movement but if you’ve been playing a lot of Splatoon 2 comparing aiming in the 2 games is also pretty night and day. Thankfully everyone is on the same playing field in this regard, so nobody gets an edge, but at times the bots can be a bit aggravating with their ability to make shots that feel improbable. I’d say that while the crafting system is nice in theory, with your earning a special random crate periodically with something in it to enhance your character, in a game like this I don’t know if most people will have the longevity in it to really get a combination they’re happy with. A simpler system where at least items you craft yourself could be chosen may have been better to help people get customized and more connected with their character more quickly. In the end Disco Dodgeball Remix is unapologetically what it is, for you to take it or leave it, and I respect that. In terms of total content and options for play both alone, with a friend, or online the game is absolutely stacked. Exhausting the Arcade and various Challenge modes will take time for people who enjoy chasing leaderboards and with so many varied arenas and play modes online matches are generally surprising and crazy. There’s no getting around its quirks, and if you’re expecting pinpoint precision control you’ll be disappointed, but if you’re up for some chaotic play that’s very unique Remix has its charms.

    Justin Nation, Score:
    Good [7.0]

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