The Doodle God series has been around for a while and in the casual space it has always seemed like a popular staple for people who enjoy the discovery tied to iterative experimentation. Now with the focus being shifted away from the divine and into the space of the infernal not much has changed in terms of mechanics, you’ll just be trying to focus on creations of evil instead of good. I think the style of play is a bit divisive though, and could be viewed equally through 2 lenses. You could either focus on how grindy it can end up being, combining everything you have at your disposal in hopes of success or you could choose to enjoy the surprise of having planned or stumbled your way into a new creation, often then opening the door to further experimentation. For me the further you get the more random success can feel but I know people like my oldest daughter love the thrill of the hunt, results will vary.
Justin Nation, Score:Good [7.0]