While it’s slow to get started, and doesn’t break much new farming sim ground, you can’t deny the game’s charm
While I missed the first Doraemon Story of Seasons outing on Switch, I’d heard good things so I had high hopes for this follow-up. While it got off to a bit of a bad start for me, delivering a very story-heavy opening and taking more than 20 minutes to get to my doing any actual playing, I’ll admit that once I began playing more it finally began to click. If you’re familiar with Stardew Valley, the Harvest Moon series, or some other games out there in the farming sim space you won’t really find much new here. However, those elements you know haven’t necessarily been delivered with quite so much satisfying polish before, something that feels like it's dripping from the game’s pores here. Whether you primarily enjoy hitting the mines, working on your fields, raising livestock, or any combination of the above you’ll likely walk away satisfied here. Just outside of the oddball characters and story beats don’t walk in expecting most things to feel familiar.
Justin Nation, Score:Good [7.8]