Dude, Where Is My Beer? Logo
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Dude, Where Is My Beer?

Developer: Arik Games

  • Price: $14.99
  • Release Date: Apr 18, 2023
  • Number of Players: 1
  • Last on Sale: -
  • Lowest Historic Price: -
  • ESRB Rating: T [Teen]
  • While on a general level I can appreciate the very beer-forward humor, if you’re not into the beer scene this will likely go right over your head

    Given that, on a general level, my wife and I are teetotalers, I’m not necessarily an ideal person to review a game like this whose humor really leans heavily on the culture around beer. That said, even though I could periodically feel myself finding the humor to fall into the “I guess you had to be there” category I could easily imagine beer lovers will be quite amused with it. The story really centers on an old-school kind of guy who just wants to get a pint of a classic pilsner but finds himself in a world gone mad run by new wave craft and micro brewers who have moved on to everything having a story and being special in some way. On the more traditional adventure side of things I’d consider the puzzles and things you need to work out to be low-to-middling considering there are quite a lot of polished games in the space out there, but honestly that’s more the afterthought of the experience. This is a game for people who love simple beer and don’t mind seeing the current culture poked fun of a bit. If that’s what you’re looking for it delivers, if it isn’t you’ll probably be happier with something else.

    Justin Nation, Score:
    Fair [6.6]

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