Farming Simulator 23 Logo
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Farming Simulator 23

Developer: Giants Software

  • Price: $44.99
  • Release Date: May 23, 2023
  • Number of Players: 1
  • Last on Sale: -
  • Lowest Historic Price: -
  • ESRB Rating: E [Everyone]
  • While there’s no doubt it simulates farming with multiple big pieces of equipment well, it lacks in solid guidance and new flavor

    When you get a new iteration of a particular relatively humble series on a yearly basis, especially when the price point is hardly peanuts, it seems fair to have some expectation of growth or evolution of some kind to shake things up. While I have no doubt that there are refinements that have been made, whether cosmetically or in terms of some technical specifics, the Farming Simulator series simply feels roughly the same now as it did a number of years ago. The fact that the Switch opens this up to portable play on a dedicated game system remains novel, and if you simply have the urge to relax and tend to a farm using a wide variety of equipment there may be something it offers that’s worthwhile. But while it’s good at simulating the mechanical work-level experience it has never been very good concerning the management and care for the big picture in running a farm. The tutorial is focused primarily on moving between different vehicles and how to use them on a general level but from that point on you’re sort of on your own and if you don’t know much about running a farm it really doesn’t show an interest in helping with that. The lack of meaningful differentiation, price, and simply not enough guidance to help out people coming to the experience for the first time make this one difficult to recommend.

    Justin Nation, Score:
    Bad [5.8]

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