Finding America: The West Collector's Edition Logo
Finding America: The West Collector's Edition Icon
Finding America: The West Collector's Edition

Developer: Ocean Media

  • Price: $3.99 $9.99 (60% Off!)
  • Release Date: Mar 21, 2024
  • Number of Players: 1
  • On Sale Through: Jan 21, 2025 [$3.99]
  • Lowest Historic Price: $3.99
  • ESRB Rating: E [Everyone]
  • Watch this review on YouTube
    For fans of hidden object puzzles and apple pie Americana, this is a solid conversion point of the two

    There’s nothing some Americans love more than taking a moment to celebrate their beloved ‘Merica, and I suppose I can’t hold it over the heads of some developers being smart enough to capitalize on that fact with a series of casual puzzlers representing different regions of the country. While I was initially worried that perhaps the game’s focus would be a little too much for me, I appreciate that it’s really just focused on featuring the region’s natural beauty more than anything. With that out of the way, onto the puzzles!

    Overall, this may be the most refined and polished hidden object puzzle series I’ve seen, not just using great art and usually doing an outstanding job of blending objects into the scene effectively. In addition, while I suppose I didn’t look forward to every variation, the game also changes up how it gives you the list of objects it wants you to find. Sure, it uses their names much of the time, but there are also variations where it only shows silhouettes, ones with their letters scrambled, ones using riddles, and more. While that doesn’t change the fundamentals, it does at least feel a bit different and keep your mind working just a bit harder than the norm.

    In addition, every few hidden object puzzles you solve, you’ll also get the chance to solve some other sort of puzzle. These range from being more like a jigsaw, to word finds, to hidden differences, and more. The collection is still most focused on hidden objects by a fair margin, but that wouldn’t be to say it’s a one-trick pony by any means, and the periodic shaking things up helps keep everything from getting too dull.

    Granted, in the end this is still just a collection of casual puzzles. It would be unfair though to imply that there’s no value in games in this space that strive for, and appear to achieve, goals in constructing a quality overall experience. If you’re not looking to chill out and enjoy some more relaxed fare, this won’t be for you, but if something more laid back is what you seek this is a solid option.

    Justin Nation, Score:
    Good [7.7]

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