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Flutter Away

Developer: Runaway Play

  • Price: $10.39 $12.99 (20% Off!)
  • Release Date: Aug 3, 2023
  • Number of Players: 1
  • On Sale Through: Dec 6, 2024 [$10.39]
  • Lowest Historic Price: $7.79
  • ESRB Rating: E [Everyone]
  • Undoubtedly tranquil and delivering a nice and relaxing photo journey through nature, the competition in the space is tough

    If you’re a person who appreciates and loves the outdoors and nature, Flutter Away may have some appeal for you. While most of the photo adventure-ish games on the Switch have been more fantastical, focused on all sorts of exotic and odd critters more in line with the likes of Pokemon Snap, Flutter away is a bit more grounded in our world, specifically in a rainforest setting as you discover and journal your findings of various flora, fauna, and insects you encounter. The experience is pretty well-suited to younger or less adept players, as aside from the getting used to the controls in general the difficulty level is low, with most tasks offering nudges to help you understand and find what you’ll need to do next in order to progress. While not terribly lengthy, if you’re down for its chill vibes it should satisfy, though I’d note that there are a number of other titles roughly in this same space that may be a bit more refined and that offer more variety.

    Justin Nation, Score:
    Good [7.5]

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