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Gaps by POWGI

Publisher: Lightwood Games

  • Price: $7.99
  • Release Date: Jul 22, 2021
  • Number of Players: 1
  • Last on Sale: -
  • Lowest Historic Price: -
  • ESRB Rating: E [Everyone]
  • As always the folks at Lightwood Games have managed to find a different way to stimulate word puzzle fans’ brains while keeping within the confines of their minimalist but consistently functional framework. In this case you’ll be given a list of words, each with a single missing letter, and aside from filling each in the challenge is being sure that those filled-in letters, when combined, form a valid new word as well. Aside from this basic set-up all the rest there is would be the dad jokes that inevitably come with every revealed new word. Whether or not this will go the distance will just depend on what it is you’re looking for.

    Justin Nation, Score:
    Fair [6.5]

Nindie Spotlight

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