Fans of busting ghosts or who may even enjoy doing some haunting online should find this to be quite engaging
While there have been a number of titles over the years that have tried to capture some of the magic of the Ghostbusters movies, unfortunately on the whole the track record hasn’t been great. We now have Spirits Unleashed with a new take though, and that’s to attack the experience with asymmetrical multiplayer… and as that subgenre goes there’s some good news for franchise fans. You’ll pretty quickly get introduced to the crew and your equipment and thrown into a mission. You’ll need to use your PKE meter to look for ghosts and their portals, your particle thrower to weaken and try to contain your foe, and then your trap to suck them in and its mission accomplished. Once you get rolling there’s more to be concerned with, but after a few more missions you’ll get the idea. You’ll then get introduced to the other side, playing as the lone ghost and trying to be the one wreaking havoc which has many parallel systems and even some techniques to be aware of. From there it’s a matter of meeting up with some friends or randoes online (thankfully this has crossplay) and trying to win whether in a team as humans or solo as a specter. Within the subgenre I found this more engaging than a variety of asymmetric horror games out there, and enjoyable, but it really is about what you’re looking for. It’s inherently going to be a bit repetitive, you’ll gain cosmetics and different gear the more you play, and either that has some appeal or it doesn’t. I’m just glad to finally play a title that seems to have captured the ‘spirit’ of the franchise pretty well.
Justin Nation, Score:Nindie Choice! [8.1]