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An odd mix of somewhat loose golfing, survival, and humor
Bless the indie developers out there who enjoy taking things that you wouldn’t think could be compatible at all, and finding a way to make it work in the name of weirdness. While I’ll admit that Golf Story may have tackled mixing zombies with the sport near the system’s launch, that was brief and in a very different form. With Golf Vs Zombies things are a bit more hectic, challenging, and admittedly weird.Set in a post-Apocalyptic world where the zombies have already overtaken most of humanity, you’ll stumble upon a crazy guy who has decided to run a golf course in the midst of it. Initially armed with just your limited clubs and some balls, you’ll need to hit the course, ideally trying to get to the hole with a good score. But be warned that you’ll attract attention to yourself, requiring you to dispatch a few zombies here and there with golf shots (preferably to the head). Just to further distract you there are a number of secondary objectives which include getting some bottle caps (thank you Fallout) and trying to get some elements which advance what story there is. It isn’t amazing, but I did appreciate the effort. You’re also able to play with a few friends locally, though I’m not sure whether that would be good for more than just some laughs for a short while.The thing is, this is far more of a novelty game than any sort of serious golfing one. You’ll point, hold down to watch your power rise, and then let go, but accuracy is tricky at best. As zombies get into the middle range you can get pretty good at eyeballing headshots, but their spacing isn’t always terribly far apart, and once they get in a little close while you can still panic and take them out you’ll lose pretty easily in general. Sure, you can buy some improved gear to help, but the fundamentals don’t really change much. In the end, this isn’t bad as a novelty game, but it doesn’t rise to being much more.
Justin Nation, Score:Fair [6.7]