With a colorful and cute look, some pretty solid level design, and a generally approachable level of challenge, Grapple Dog has quite a bit going for it. Its critical stumble, though if you’re patient with it you’ll likely be able to overcome it, is that mechanically there’s a lack of fluidity to the controls and movement when comparing it to more refined platformers out there. Using your grapple to grab gemstones or enemies is effective and a key to slinging yourself to higher areas or across gaps, but there’s just a bit of slowness and lack of responsiveness in the controls when you’re doing so that could use some work. Sadly, I’d say that’s my only real complaint as otherwise the game works out to be quite impressive overall for its pretty reasonable price… I think enjoyment will just rest on whether you choose to adapt and make the most of it despite some frustrations.
Justin Nation, Score:Good [7.8]