Starting out with strengths, to its credit Hourglass has a reasonably-good cloning mechanic to it where you’ll be able to create a sort of ghost version of yourself to act within an environment, aiding you in actively then being able to complete it. Now, to be clear I wish the game would have put a little effort into relaying something about that to you the player, but instead you’re just sort of dropped off and expected to experiment to figure it out. Hardly an impossible task but it does lack some polish and risks losing some people before it gets started. Throughout you’ll need to continue to experiment and find new and better ways to make use of the abilities you’ve been given, hitting limitations with time or your precision in making optimum use of your abilities, but in general if you’re determined to keep trying and sticking it out there’s a rewarding feeling awaiting when you finally crack the puzzle. While its looks are pretty humble and it seems content for the most part to leverage a limited number of mechanics it at least does it pretty well, providing a solid action puzzling experience that at least feels a bit different.
Justin Nation, Score:Good [7.2]