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Idle Zoo Park

Developer: Ocean Media

  • Price: $9.99
  • Release Date: Aug 4, 2023
  • Number of Players: 1
  • Last on Sale: -
  • Lowest Historic Price: -
  • ESRB Rating: E [Everyone]
  • While answering the question of whether you can play a “clicker” on the Switch with yes, it comes up short on “Why?”

    For those unfamiliar with the subgenre of “clickers” (it’s what I’m used to them being called, coming from the PC space but some may know them by a different name) they’re not terribly complex. The goal is ultimately to accumulate some sort of wealth or power in order to build up the means of generating wealth or power more quickly in the end… so in this case you’ll turn your struggling and decrepit zoo into a winner. Now, where the name comes in is you can choose to treat it like an idle game, periodically coming back to check on your accumulated wealth to upgrade or buy new things… but most of us simply aren’t that patient so there’s also an option to generate more by “clicking” (or in this case madly pressing a button). There are people who can find this satisfying, and for a time when they were new they were pretty popular, but now the sort of hollowness of them is usually easier to see. Sure, you can upgrade your zoo and get it raking in the money, but at some point the only way to go to the next level is to start over again at zero and work your way back up again. If that sounds awesome, the game delivers precisely that… but whether that’s the best use of your Switch’s time rather than just being something you run on your phone is a legitimate question.

    Justin Nation, Score:
    Bad [5.5]

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