A pair of more traditional shooters and one banger that has a classic feel but plays quite well flesh out this mini collection
Let’s face it, the Switch is home to a simply smashing collection of varied arcade-style shooters, whether vintage classics or more modern takes on that style. That means that in order to stand out you’ve got to offer something exceptional. In the case of Irem Collection Volume 1 I’d say they’re at least somewhat up to that task, with 2 decent but a bit humdrum top-down shooters accompanied by a side-scroller that made me wonder where it has been all my life. Starting with the pair, Image Fight 1 and its successor are both attractive but pretty standard classic fare, though they definitely skew towards being a bit harder than the average. Nice, but after a few hours away from them I couldn’t remember any meaningful details that would make them stand out from a host of others. The last title, X-Multiply though? Yes, please sign me up for more of that. Moving to a side-scrolling style and feeling a bit more like Life Force or classics in that vein the play style, power-ups, and degree of challenge simply spoke to me, especially since there simply aren’t that many like it out there. Putting that together with the fact that it’s not so much a “collection” (which would imply perhaps some additional materials to celebrate the titles) as simply a “bundle” of nothing more than 3 emulated classics and it has merit but may be better purchased broken up.
Justin Nation, Score:Good [7.5]