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Kero Blaster

Publisher: PLAYISM

  • Price: $9.99
  • Release Date: Aug 23, 2018
  • Number of Players: 1
  • Last on Sale: Feb 13, 2025 [$2.99]
  • Lowest Historic Price: $2.99
  • ESRB Rating: E [Everyone]
  • The minimal story behind the game is actually a bit off-beat, with you playing as a janitor for the Cat & Frog Company. The bizarre and brief interactions you have with your “boss” and a co-worker are really just there for odd laughs, which is fine since it allows you to dive into the pretty classic action. Played out over several pretty diverse stages you’ll make your way through some varied environments, requiring you to deal with a variety of obstacles and enemies. At the conclusion of each stage you’ll face off against a boss, with each having their own attack style and sense of personality. The reward for defeating each of them is either a new weapon or piece of equipment, with each having something new to add to your arsenal. Each gun has its own feel, and this is especially true as you upgrade them and they become a bit more powerful. While you’d normally approach games like these settling into a single preferred weapon you then stick with, the good news is that each of these weapons has a pretty distinct benefit and are worth cycling between when appropriate. In particular the bubble gun isn’t necessarily always best for enemies but can be quite handy when under water or you want to clear something out below you. After a few hours you’ll likely have moved through the main campaign and you’ll have the options to play through a remixed mode that offers new challenges or just a repeat of the campaign with the difficulty notched up further. While it manages to avoid falling into too many repetitive patterns and stays engaging I’d say the experience has charm on its side more than excitement. It’s a solid traditional game but with the variety that’s out there, though not necessarily all on the Switch, unless that’s specifically what you’re seeking it may not be as appealing. This is more of a light romp initially but if you’re down for a challenge the unlocked modes more than deliver. If you’re itching to shoot things like it’s the old days this may be the ticket for you but if you’re thirsting for more modern sensibilities you may want to look elsewhere.

    Justin Nation, Score:
    Good [7.5]

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