While there’s a fine line between homage and ripping off, the Golden Axe beats in this budget beat-em-up spice things up
As a huge fan of the Golden Axe series from back in the day, first in the arcades, and then on home consoles, I do find myself at times wondering why more games haven’t tried to adopt some of its more unique elements. Maximus 2, coming to the eShop with a very budget-friendly low price, absolutely hits some of those familiar notes, but you could argue that at times it feels like it is lifting whole melodies without enough ideas of its own. To its credit, it does have a pretty wide array of base characters who are fairly differentiated and who will slowly acquire new attacks to try to keep things a bit more fresh and original, but the art style is merely functional and makes it a little harder to elevate the experience above its budget price. If you’re an old-school fan, or one of those unfortunate souls who has merely heard of the classic franchise but never had a chance to partake of it, there’s some fun to be had here, just keep your expectations in check.
Justin Nation, Score:Good [7.7]