Where the warning signs begin to crop up is that Mercenary Kings demands that you make an investment of time and effort, with a fair amount of grinding, before it will really get rolling. What inevitably comes with the grinding is a fair amount of repetition of general chunks of levels and enemies, and I won’t lie it can wear on you at times. A little more frustrating, though, is how quickly and commonly enemies will respawn. With the degree of backtracking you’ll often need to do to meet your objectives, as you wind through the map, the respawns can already be aggravating. Worse, you’ll find that if you have to backtrack a little in order to take something out there’s a fair chance another will be waiting for you again when you get back to where you were going. Finally, managing your items and healing just works out a bit clunky and can lead to seemingly unnecessary deaths. While Mercenary Kings admirably takes some risks to try and create a different kind of experience, and blend together the traditional with the more contemporary, unfortunately the result is a bit muddled. The good news is that for people searching for something different in their shooters, and who are willing to invest the time to get things going, the further you get into the game the more fun it gets to be. If, however, you’re looking for a quick fix of any kind or thirst for an arcade-like experience you’ll be sorely disappointed. If you’re interested in it be sure to read up and look around to be sure it will suit you.
Justin Nation, Score:Good [7.0]