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Midnight Fight Express

Developer: Jacob Dzwinel

Publisher: Humble Games

  • Price: $19.99
  • Release Date: Sep 20, 2022
  • Number of Players: 1
  • Last on Sale: Jan 6, 2025 [$11.99]
  • Lowest Historic Price: $11.99
  • ESRB Rating: M [Mature]
  • If you’ve ever dreamt of a beat-em-up that would effectively flow and feel like John Wick this gets really close

    While I’m a long-time fan of the beat-em-up genre, it isn’t very often that you see innovation or variations on the classic side-scrolling set-up that work very well. Welp, traditional wisdom is now out the door, as Midnight Fight Express quite firmly plants its foot on the neck of your typical expectations and twists violently. Make no mistake, this can at times be a very frustrating and difficult journey, in part because there get to be so many types of enemies to consider and contend with in mixed groups (oh, and learn to fear environmental threats and gunfire). But when you get into the flow of the moment and can brutalize waves of enemies with death-dealing flair, there’s nothing quite like the rush you get in return for your efforts. While repeating levels to gain more gear, practice, and sometimes some wild unlocks your primary goal should generally be to keep moving ahead. Each new level cleared will let you continue to expand and refine your violent repertoire, and the degree that you can customize your character is pretty extensive, whether looking to generalize or dive into only maybe 2 skill groups to become quite nasty with them. There’s just something about the way the game flows, encouraging you to think fast in the moment and to capitalize on your opportunities, that feels absolutely unique and puts this contender into the upper ranks of the genre on Switch.

    Justin Nation, Score:
    Nindie Choice! [9.0]

Nindie Spotlight

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