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Mini Market Design

Developer: RedDeerGames

  • Price: $8.99
  • Release Date: Jan 21, 2025
  • Number of Players: 1
  • Last on Sale: -
  • Lowest Historic Price: -
  • ESRB Rating: E [Everyone]
  • Watch this review on YouTube
    A thoroughly underwhelming sandbox with no guidance and ultimately pretty limited elements to work with

    I suppose you could say that with a name like Mini Market Design there’s some truth in advertising, but that doesn’t make the results any better. At a glance you could think it looks a bit like some other cozy games like Unpacking (which is delightful), but assuming this would be similar in terms of “play” would be a massive mistake. Instead what you’ll find here is merely an unguided sandbox where you can simply place and move elements to make a non-interactive and simplistic vignette.

    I guess you could look at it as a sort of digitized version of old paper dolls or Colorforms sets, taking an empty space and populating it as you like, letting your imagination fill in the blanks. If that sounds like it would be fun, then have at it. If, however, you were hoping for some simple tasks or objectives to inspire even some simple ideas you’ll still be disappointed. 

    On the one hand I’m a bit irked that this has been released, since my concern is that people will assume there’s more to it, but on the other it’s apparent that the developer set their goals pretty low and generally met them, for what that’s worth. Even then I’d argue that more objects or things to fill the space with would have been far better, as I could see the experience getting dull very quickly since there’s not room for much variety, but perhaps there are folks out there who’d like to chill out and partake of a very casual experience like this.

    Justin Nation, Score:
    Bad [5.0]

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