Mixx Island: Remix Plus Logo
Mixx Island: Remix Plus Icon
Mixx Island: Remix Plus

Developer: RedDeerGames

  • Price: $13.99
  • Release Date: Apr 14, 2023
  • Number of Players: 1
  • Last on Sale: -
  • Lowest Historic Price: -
  • ESRB Rating: E10+ [Everyone 10+]
  • While it has a decent look and its own take on boss rush gameplay, the lack of any depth whatsoever sets in very quickly

    When in the description of your title you give the impression that this is a boss rush-y affair you’re really taking a bit of a risk. Since that doesn’t imply there’ll be a great deal of diverse content you’re really going to have to make the battles themselves compelling and hopefully distinctive from one another. There are absolutely titles out there on the eShop that, in some way, have pulled this off, but Mixx Island isn’t one of them. One core issue is that even though your move set is pretty limited the way you’re meant to play isn’t conveyed well. Granted, you’ll work it out pretty quickly, but I do think it’s important not to assume everyone playing your title will simply “catch on”, especially when there’s not much to the experience to begin with. Another issue I have is simply with how poor your overall visibility of what’s going on is, at times with it being pretty confusing, as you try to get within range of your enemy, attack them, and then be sure to stay away from their attacks. The issue is that I only ever hit ultimately minor variations in this gameplay. You’ll shoot, scoot away, try to avoid where enemies' attacks are hitting, and then lather, rinse, and repeat. It just feels like a very small sandbox which gets dull far too quickly.

    Justin Nation, Score:
    Bad [5.9]

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