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Moonrise Fall

Publisher: CheckMate Publishing

  • Price: $9.99
  • Release Date: Jun 3, 2022
  • Number of Players: 1
  • Last on Sale: -
  • Lowest Historic Price: -
  • ESRB Rating: E10+ [Everyone 10+]
  • This is one of those games that left me feeling a bit bewildered in terms of how I felt and what to say about it. I can appreciate a “less is more” approach when it is handled well, never knowing where things are headed and hopefully being able to enjoy the disorientation of everything as a part of the overall experience. Here, though, more often than not the lack of clear direction, and plain funky game mechanics that didn’t always make much sense, had a tendency to be an irritation rather than a benefit. Perhaps my overall situation with time makes me too impatient, but I’m really not a fan of games that feel like they’re wasting the hours I have without giving me enough incentive and a vision of a payoff to make it worth my while. If you’re the type who doesn’t mind taking things more slowly and has a bit more patience, Moonrise Fall may work for you, but for me it just left me feeling that the experience was simply sloppier than it should have been.

    Justin Nation, Score:
    Fair [6.3]

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