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Naught Icon

Developer: Wild Sphere

  • Price: $19.99
  • Release Date: Nov 6, 2020
  • Number of Players: 1
  • Last on Sale: -
  • Lowest Historic Price: -
  • ESRB Rating: E [Everyone]
  • Watch this review on YouTube
    While it’s style of platforming is absolutely unique, and poses a challenge, it also feels tough to love

    Perhaps to a fault, one of the qualities I tend to value in indie games is their originality, or at least how unique their overall style feels when contrasted with the thousands of other titles I’ve played in the eShop. This absolutely can lead me to sometimes giving quirkier efforts that aren’t always ideal in their implementation the benefit of the doubt, but I also believe in rewarding people who are willing to take some risks to do something that feels new or different. Playing Naught that tendency quickly came to mind, since it absolutely takes well-known gameplay and messes with it… with mixed results.

    Without the element that makes the game more unique, this would be a pretty standard straight up side-scrolling platformer, with you moving along, collecting whatever there is to collect, and staying alive. What sets it apart though is that you don’t control your character’s side-to-side movement, what you control is the rotation of the stage itself around them, letting gravity essentially do the rest. 

    While at first you’re left to simply get used to this, and work out the timing and feel for things, it doesn’t take long for everything to get more complicated. The addition of spikes and enemies absolutely amps up the difficulty in a hurry, but if you’re looking for a challenge it’s happy to oblige you. One big problem is that overall the controls don’t feel like they make great use of what’s available. Smart and careful utilization of the analog stick could have helped to tamp down the frustration that’s pretty common as you're rotating the screen, which will likely feel unwieldy and a bit too out of control for the average gamer. If you don’t frustrate easily, or are simply a challenge hound looking for something different though, this could work out.

    Justin Nation, Score:
    Fair [6.8]

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