Relatively light and breezy, practically mobile-esque play, but at a preposterous asking price…
I really have no problem with games that are designed more to be approachable and enjoyable rather than being terribly challenging. I also don’t take issue with games that may not be 100% sensible or mechanically sensible when the goal is watered-down simplicity that will more likely allow more casual players to get something out of it. Where I do start having concerns is when I’m playing games on a dedicated gaming platform that fail to do all they can to feel less like they could just be a quick and dirty mobile port by being a bit sloppy and failing to do something as fundamental as include support for Pro controllers. These concerns are further exacerbated when the price tag being demanded for that same flawed title is exorbitantly high given the comparatively poor experience being delivered. All of this as a whole makes it very hard for me to take nGolf seriously at all, let alone recommend it.
Justin Nation, Score:Bad [5.5]